Outage: Short outage at edpnet office : Closed

Dear customers,

Edpnet had a short outage in their office. The company telephone numbers were unreachable during the outage and ongoing phone conversations may have been interrupted.

Please find all details below:

Start: 2018-11-22 12:33*
End: 2018-11-22 12:49*
Duration: 16 minutes
Impacted services: edpnet support reachability
Affected Areas: edpnet office


We apologize for the inconveniences.

Best regards
The edpnet team

*All times are listed in CET, Central European Time

Outage: Telephony: Solved

Dear customers,

We had experienced an outage with our telephony services. Our Network Operations team has solved the outage.

Please find all details below:

Start: 2018-10-22 11:48*
End: 2018-10-22 12:20*
Duration: 32minutes
Impacted services: Telephony
Affected Areas: all


We apologize for the inconveniences.

Best regards
The edpnet team

*All times are listed in CET, Central European Time

Outage: Telephony: Reduced capacity: Solved

Dear customers,

We have experienced an outage with our telephony services. Our servers ran on 50% capacity which caused issues on ingoing and outgoing calls. Our Network Operations team has solved the problem.

Please find all details below:

Start: 2018-08-28 06:44*
End: 2018-08-28 12:24*
Duration: TBC
Impacted services: Telephony: ingoing and outgoing calls
Affected Areas: All

Update: 28/08 10:00 Our engineer has found the issue and is working on a solution

We apologize for the inconveniences.

Best regards
The edpnet team

*All times are listed in CET, Central European Time

Outage: Telephony: Solved

Dear customers,

We had experienced an outage with Telephony services. There was some delay in connecting calls, some calls failed. Our Network Operations team has solved the issue.

Please find all details below:

Start: 2018-06-04 09:00*
End: 2018-06-04 11:10*
Duration: 2h10
Impacted services: Telephony
Affected Areas: all

Update: 2018-06-04 10:25 Repair Database ongoing

Update: 2018-06-04 09:41 Core switch reboot done

We apologize for the inconveniences.

Best regards
The edpnet team

*All times are listed in CET, Central European Time

Outage: Telephony issue: Solved

Dear customers,

We have experienced an outage with our telephony services. Some reachability issues had occurred.  Our Network Operations team has provided a solution.

Please find all details below:

Start: 2018-05-15 09:40*
End: 2018-05-15 11:55*
Duration: 2h15min
Impacted services: Telephony
Affected Areas: All


We apologize for the inconveniences.

Best regards
The edpnet team

*All times are listed in CET, Central European Time

Outage: Internet connectivity IPv6: Solved

Dear customers,

We have experienced an outage with our internet service connectivity for IPv6 users.  Our Network Operations team has investigated this outage and provided a solution.

In order to restore your IPv6 connectivity, please, reboot your CPE.

Below the details of the outage:

Start: 2018-04-03 15:45*
End: 2018-04-04 09:32*
Duration: 17h47min
Impacted services: IPv6 Connectivity
Affected Areas: All areas: IPv6 active users reconnecting during this period


We apologize for the inconveniences.

Best regards
The edpnet team

*All times are listed in CET, Central European Time

Outage: Internet services: region Liège: Solved

Dear customers,

We have experienced an outage with Internet services due to a short power outage in the Liège region.

Please find all details below:

Start: 2018-03-15 13:35*
End: 2018-03-15 14:10*
Duration: 35 minutes
Impacted services: Internet services
Affected Areas: Liège region : 41


We apologize for the inconveniences.

Best regards
The edpnet team

*All times are listed in CET, Central European Time

Outage: VPBX Telephony: Solved

Dear customers,

We have experienced an outage with our VPBX due to a power outage in a server rack in the data center at Brussels. Our NOC has relocated affected virtual machines to the alternate data center and servers.

Please find all details below:

Start: 2018-02-12 16:10*
End: 2018-02-12 16:50*
Duration: 40minutes
Impacted services: VPBX
Affected Areas: all

Update: 12-02-2018 16:35 : Start VPBX’s recovery initiated, estimated time of repair: 15minutes

We apologize for the inconveniences.

Best regards
The edpnet team

*All times are listed in CET, Central European Time

Info: No Impact : Proximus fiber cut Walloon Brabant, Hainaut: Solved

Dear customers,

We noticed an outage on a fiber connecting region Walloon Brabant, Hainaut. There is redundancy for the impacted area so none of our clients should experience any issues on their connection, the traffic is protected.

The fiber connection was restored on 20/12 at 16:58.

Please find all details below:

Start: 2017-12-20 03:20*
End: 2017-12-20 16:58*
Duration: 13h38
Impacted services: None
Affected Areas: Walloon Brabant, Hainaut: 71GIL: 010, 060, 064, 065, 067, 068, 069, 071


Best regards
The edpnet team

*All times are listed in CET, Central European Time