Outage: all data services (internet, telephony, …)

Dear customers,

We have experienced an outage with DSL services impacted by the maintenance of last night. For most customers, the problem was solved when they restarted their modems. The outage has been fixed by our NOC team.

Please find all details below:

Start: 2016-06-07 2:09 AM*
End: 2016-06-07 9:47 AM*
Duration: 7,5 hours
Impacted services: All data services
Affected Areas: All DSL customers in Belgium


We apologize for the inconveniences.

Best regards
The edpnet team

*All times are listed in CET, Central European Time

Outage: Telephony services working unstable

Update 24/05/2016 11:30 AM – The issue has been solved

Dear customers,

We are currently experiencing an outage with one of our telephony servers.

Customers may notice troubles with their telephony services (VoIP, SIP-trunking).

The outage is currently under investigation by our NOC team. Further updates will be released as soon as possible.

Please find all details below:

Start: 2016-05-24 11:10 AM*
End: 2016-05-24 11:30 AM
Duration: 20 minutes
Impacted services: Telephony services (VoIP, SIP-trunking)
Affected Areas: All customers in Belgium with telephony services at edpnet


We apologize for the inconveniences.

Best regards
The edpnet team

*All times are listed in CET, Central European Time

Outage: Walloon Brabant, Hainaut – all services impacted

Dear customers,

Edpnet was experiencing a short outage with all DSL services in Walloon Brabant, Hainaut due to a power issue on the network.

Please find all details below:

Start: 2016-05-17 14:00 PM*
End: 2016-05-17 14:30 PM*
Duration: 30 minutes
Impacted services: All DSL services: Internet, VOIP telephony
Affected Areas:
Walloon Brabant, Hainaut: 010, 060, 064, 065, 067, 068, 069, 071


We apologize for the inconveniences.

Best regards
The edpnet team

*All times are listed in CET, Central European Time

Outage: Namur area – all services impacted

Update 02/05/2016 – 10h01: Impacted customers went back online on 29/04 by 12h40. The full restoration of Proximus network has been finished on Saturday noon, all the services are functioning flawlessly since then.

Dear customers,

We are currently experiencing an outage with all internet services in the Namur area. A fire caused damage to the Proximus infrastructure. Further updates will be released as soon as possible.

Please find all details below:

Start: 2016-04-29 09:25 AM*
End: 2016-04-29 12:40 PM*
Duration: 3 hours 15 minutes
Impacted services: All internet services
Affected Areas: Namur area


We apologize for the inconveniences.

Best regards
The edpnet team

*All times are listed in CET, Central European Time

Issue: interruptions of DSL-services and IP telephony

Dear customers,

We have experienced a small interruptions of DSL-services due to a fault of our autoconfiguration server. Some Fritz!box modems with firmware version 06.30 were impacted.

Start: 2016-04-12 23:50 PM*
End: 2016-04-13 09:45 AM*
Duration: approx. 9 hours
Impacted services: DSL services and IP telephony
Affected Areas: all areas

We apologize for the inconveniences.

Best regards
The edpnet team

*All times are listed in CET, Central European Time

Outage: SIP trunking

Dear customers,

We have experienced a short outage with SIP trunking services. The issue has been solved.

Please find all details below:

Start: 2016-02-16 09:40 AM*
End: 2016-02-16 09:55 AM*
Duration: 15 minutes
Impacted services: Telephony

We apologize for the inconveniences.

Best regards
The edpnet team

*All times are listed in CET, Central European Time

Outage: Mail service down

Dear customers,

We are currently experiencing an outage with mail service. The outage is currently under investigation by our NOC team. Further updates will be released as soon as possible.

Please find all details below:

Start: 2016-02-16 09:20 AM*
End: 2016-02-16 10:00 AM*
Duration: 2016-02-16 10:00 AM
Impacted services: Mail
Affected Areas:


We apologize for the inconveniences.

Best regards
The edpnet team

*All times are listed in CET, Central European Time

Outage of DSL services in the Walloon area

Dear customers,

We are currently experiencing an outage with DSL services in the Walloon area. The outage is currently under investigation by our NOC team. Further updates will be released as soon as possible.

Please find all details below:

Start: 2015-01-28 11:40 AM*
End: 2015-01-28 12:05 AM*
Duration: 25 minutes
Impacted services: All DSL services
Affected Areas: Walloon area:  019, 04, 061, 062, 063, 080, 081, 082, 083, 084, 085, 087

Possibly impacted: 010, 060, 064, 065, 067, 068, 069, 071

Update 12:30: Temporary outage due to disturbance on our fiber network in the Brussels region.
Walloon circuits were up by 12:02. From that point PPP was possible again.

We apologize for the inconveniences.

Best regards
The edpnet team

*All times are listed in CET, Central European Time

Issue with DSL speeds in the Antwerp Region (solved)

Update 24/12/2015 – 08h23: The situation has been resolved.
Update 24/12/2015 – 06h28: There will be a short traffic interruption around 07h00 CET

Dear customers,

We are currently experiencing an issue with DSL speeds in the Antwerp region. Other nearby regions may be affected. The outage is currently under investigation by our NOC team. Further updates will be released as soon as possible.

Please find all details below:

Start: 2015-12-23 11:00 AM*
End: TBD
Duration: TBD
Impacted services: DSL & IP telephony
Affected Areas: Antwerp, 03, Others are being investigated


We apologize for the inconveniences.

Best regards
The edpnet team

*All times are listed in CET, Central European Time

Info: upstream vectoring issue FRITZ!Box

Dear customers,

We would like to inform you about an issue we found with our FRITZ!Box 7360/7490 routers.

Problem: During the implementation of upstream vectoring, which allows upstream speeds up to 20Mbps, we noticed that during boot up the FRITZ!Box router synchronization falls back to 576kbps. This problem occurs only on vector profiles.

Solution: This problem is resolved in a newer firmware of the FRITZ!Box routers, but this version isn’t certified yet. We are working on an emergency certification process in cooperation with proximus.

Workaround: as the problem only occurs during the synchronization at boot up, just leave the router powered on, and after the first bad synchronization, pull out the DSL connection, wait a minute, and reseat it again. From then on the synchronization will act normally and upstream vectoring will be applied successfully.

If you have any questions left, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Best regards
The edpnet team