Outage: Network hardware failure: Solved

Dear customers,

We are currently experiencing an outage with our network backbone.  Our Network Operations team is investigating this outage.  Further updates will be released as soon as possible.

Edit 18:50*:  Broken card replaced, all services restored.

Please find all details below:

Start*: 09-02-2022 13:49*
End*: 09-02-2022 18:31*
Duration: 5:18
Impacted services: All internet services
Affected Areas**: 02STR, 03BKC, 41GRE


Edit 16:15*: We have identified the failure and mitigated its downsides. Users may have noticed increased latency from 14:00 onwards but this should be resolved since 16:15. Our techs are moving onsite to replace affected hardware.
Edit 17:26*: You may still notice some latency, we are working on minimizing this as much as possible until the hardware replacement is done.
Edit 18:50*:  Broken card replaced, all services restored.

We apologize for the inconveniences.

Best regards
The edpnet team

*All times are listed in CET, Central European Time
** Check the different areas & zones on our support site

Maintenance planned on 22/04/2021 – impacted services: All internet services – region: Boom

Dear customers,

Proximus has planned a maintenance which may affect your services.

Please find all details below:

Start*: 22-04-2021 00:00
End*: 22-04-2021 06:00
Duration: 6 hours
Impacted services: all internet services
Affected Areas**: Boom


We apologize for the inconveniences.

Best regards
The edpnet team

* All times are listed in CET, Central European Time
** Check the different areas & zones on our support site

Outage: edpnet office numbers unreachable : SOLVED

Dear customers,

We have experienced an outage with our reachability by phone.  We were unable to receive or make any calls with our office numbers. Our Network Operations team has investigated and resolved the outage.

Please find all details below:

Start*: 22-03-2021 08:08
End*: 22-03-2021 09:40
Duration: 1 hour 32 minutes
Impacted services: edpnet support reachability
Affected Areas**: edpnet office


We apologize for the inconveniences.

Best regards
The edpnet team

*All times are listed in CET, Central European Time
** Check the different areas & zones on our support site

Outage: Mobile telephony issues : SOLVED

Dear customers,

We have experienced an outage with mobile telephony. Customers may have noticed voice issues, longer call setup time or no network at all. The cause of the problem was found and solved by the service supplier.

If you still have issues with your mobile services, please reboot your cellphone device.

Please find all details below.

Start*: 02-03-2021 11:00
End*: 02-03-2021 12:35
Duration: 1 hour 35 minutes
Impacted services:  mobile telephony
Affected Areas**: all areas


We apologize for the inconveniences.

Best regards
The edpnet team


UPDATE 12h05 : the cause of the problem is found, problem solution is ongoing.

Outage: High latency and speed issues – region: Liège, Namur, province of Luxembourg : SOLVED

Dear customers,

Our fiber connection between Brussels and Liege has been cut. All traffic has been rerouted.

Customers may notice higher latency and speed issues.

Please find all details below:

Start*: 2020-11-13 08:58
End*: 2020-11-13 10:55
Duration: 1h57min
Impacted services: high latency, speed issues
Affected Areas**: 41GRE: Liège, Namur, province of Luxembourg

UPDATE 10h44: technicians are currently fixing the faulty fiber joint

UPDATE 11h00: the link is restored. Traffic flow is coming back to normal.

We apologize for the inconveniences.

Best regards
The edpnet team

*All times are listed in CET, Central European Time
** Check the different areas & zones on our support site

Outage : Problem with internet services – DDoS attacks on 28/08-31/08/20 : SOLVED

Dear customers,

We have experienced an outage with internet services (traffic drops) due to several DDoS attacks*** on our network. The attacks occurred at different hours and were causing intermittent connection, speed issues and packet loss. The heaviest one took place on Monday 31/08 and lasted from 11h15 until 18h45. Outside of those hours, everything was normal. Our Network Operations team has found and applied (on 01/09 at 1h29) a permanent solution to prevent and immediately mitigate such attacks in the future.

Please find all details below:

Start*: 2020-08-28 18:00*
End*: 2020-09-01 01:29*
Duration: 1) 2020-08-28 18:00 – 2020-08-28 19:00

2) 2020-08-30 20:30 – 2020-08-30 20:45

3) 2020-08-30 22:20 – 2020-08-31 00:55

4) 2020-08-31 04:05 – 2020-08-31 05:05

5) 2020-08-31 11:15 – 2020-08-31 18:45

Impacted services: all internet services
Affected Areas**: all areas

EDIT 12:30*: We have been under attack again since approximately 11:15. Access to our issues blog was limited so we were unable to keep you updated. Our apologies. We are doing our best to mitigate and solve the problem.

EDIT 2: 15h12*: Seems that the last attack is still ongoing.  We are working hard to try to minimize the impact. Rebooting your modem/router to receive new DNS servers can help (but not guaranteed).  In general surfing should be possible, only certain destinations will be difficult to reach.  We keep you posted.

EDIT 3: 20h25*: The last attack finished at 18:45. We did our best to mitigate what was possible but the overload was extensive. Edpnet DNS servers are currently available again. We are working very hard with an external party towards providing a permanent solution to minimize the impact of any further attacks.

We apologize for the inconveniences.

Best regards
The edpnet team

*All times are listed in CET, Central European Time
** Check the different areas & zones on our support site

*** DDoS (Distributed-Denial-of-Service- attack) is kind of a cyber-attack, when malicous users seek to make a machine or network resource unavailable by flooding the provider or target with superfluous requests, which results in systems overload and connectivity issues

Outage : Problem with internet services – SOLVED

Dear customers,

We are currently experiencing an outage with internet services (traffic drops). Our Network Operations team is investigating the outage.

Further details on the affected areas and an estimated duration will be released as soon as possible.

EDIT 19:40*: Our DNS-servers were the target of a concerted DDOS-attack for approximately one hour (18:00 – 19:00), involving large amounts of traffic and major network saturation. At this time the attack has cleared up and we are investigating further.

EDIT 30/8 20:35*: It seems like we’re being attacked again since a few minutes. Our Network Operations team is investigating. More updates will follow soon.

EDIT 20:45*: The attack was mitigated after some actions from our Network Operations team. It was smaller than last time, but still very much able to knock out our DNS-servers. We’re working to restore all services.

EDIT: 21:15*: All services are restored.

EDIT: 31/8 5h05 We experienced other waves of DDoS attacks between 30/8 22h20 and 31/08 05h05. For the moment, the attacks are fully mitigated.

We apologize for the inconveniences.

Best regards
The edpnet team

Outage notification: Internet services down – regions: Ath & Châtelet : SOLVED

UPDATE 11h45: The issue is also solved for Ath

UPDATE 11h25: Outage in Châtelet has been solved.

Dear customers,

We are currently experiencing an outage with internet services in regions Ath and Châtelet. Our Network Operations team is investigating the outage.

Further details on the affected areas and an estimated duration will be released as soon as possible.

We apologize for the inconveniences.

Best regards
The edpnet team

Outage: Internet services down : SOLVED

UPDATE 14h15: all links have been restored. The problem is completely resolved. Further details about this major incident will be shared later this week.

UPDATE 13h05: main path is restored , the peerings are being re-enabled , the traffic flow should get back to normal very soon.

Dear customers,

We are currently experiencing a fiber cut within our network. Internet and telephony services are unavailable for our customers in the Netherlands. Our Network Operations team is investigating the outage.

Further details  and an estimated duration will be released as soon as possible.

We apologize for the inconveniences.

Best regards
The edpnet team

Outage: Internet services down : SOLVED

UPDATE 14h15: all links have been restored. The problem is completely resolved. Further details about this major incident will be shared later this week.

UPDATE 13h05: main path is restored , the peerings are being re-enabled , the traffic flow should get back to normal very soon.

UPDATE 11h49: Sorry for the delay in our update.  We are hoping to solve the root cause of our problem as soon as possible.  If you want to read some background information, you can read this Datanews article:

Dutch: https://datanews.knack.be/ict/nieuws/glasvezelprobleem-zorgt-voor-panne-bij-edpnet/article-news-1598649.html
French: https://datanews.levif.be/ict/actualite/un-probleme-de-fibre-optique-provoque-une-panne-chez-edpnet/article-news-1288179.html

UPDATE 10h13: Internet services in all areas are affected.  Our engineers are working on it.

Dear customers,

We are currently experiencing a fiber outage within our network. You may notice capacity issues. Our Network Operations team is investigating the outage.

Further details and an estimated duration will be released as soon as possible.

We apologize for the inconveniences.

Best regards
The edpnet team