19 June 2013

There is currently an outage on the authentication service of edpnet. It is impacting all of the internet connections. If you are offline your modem can’t establish an internet connection anymore. Our engineers are working on a solution. We expect the issue to be solved during the evening.

We want to ask you to restart your modem from time to time. Your internet connection will re-establish itself automaticly or after a reboot as soon as the problem is solved.

Update 19/06/2013 18:15:
The problem is now solved.

Our apologies for the inconvenience.

Toegang tot bepaalde sites

Beste klant,

Momenteel is toegang tot bepaalde sites moeilijk tot niet mogelijk. Edpnet is zich hiervan bewust en we zijn traffiek aan het herrouteren. We trachten dit binnen het komende uur opgelost te krijgen.
Onze excuus voor het ongemak.

Some sites have bad reachability or not reachable at the moment.This is known problem at EDPnet , we are trying to reroute traffic. We suspect it will be done within a hour.
Our apologies for any inconvenience

Problem solved.

29 April 2013

There is currently an outage in East- and West-Flanders impacting internet and telephony services.
Edpnet is trying to solve this as fast as possible.

Update 29/04/2013 10:21: There’s an outage in our supplier’s network. We’ll let you know as soon as any ETR is available. Sorry for the inconveniences.

Update 29/04/2013 11:15: The fault is detected, splicers are already working on it. The connection should be restored in a few hours. We’ll keep you informed of any new information.

Update 29/04/2013 12:33: We’ve just received a confirmed ETR. The issue should be solved by 14h00.

Update 29/04/2013 13:13: It has been found out that the issue is more complicated than expected, there’s a large section of fiber to be replaced. Splicers are currently working on it. We expect it to be solved within 2 hours. Thanks a lot for your patience and understanding.

Update 29/04/2013 15:56: First of all, we’re sorry for the delay in the update. The splicing has been just finished, all customers should get online again. The end of the works is not confirmed yet though, we’ll keep you informed.

Update 29/04/2013 16:29: Our supplier confirmed that all the affected fibers were replaced. All services are up and running with no further issues since 15h55.
We apologize for the inconveniences it caused and thank you for your patience.

Edpnet apologizes for any inconveniences caused.

20 February 2013

You might experience slow connections due to a fiber cut in our core network. All traffic is rerouted. Because we can’t use full capacity you can experience slow connections to several international (especially German and Dutch ) locations.

Update 20/02/2013 17:15 : Our NOC engineers tweaked the routes. Currently the congestion on the network is normalized. The fiber cut is not solved yet. You can still experience slow connections to several international (especially German and Dutch ) locations. 

Update 21/02/2013 07:30During the night the fiber cut has been resolved. All traffic is routed back via the original routes.

We apologize for the inconveniences.

22 oktober 2012

Er zijn momenteel problemen met het verzenden van e-mails via onze relay omwille van een probleem met een spamlijst.

Edpnet tracht dit zo snel mogelijk op te lossen.

Update (23/10/2012):

Dear customers,

We have a huge mail issue since yesterday. For the second time spamhaus.org listed our non-spamming IP ranges. You are unable to send mails to people who use spamhaus.org as a filter to receive e-mail.

Up to one month ago we always had a good contact with spamhaus.org. They informed us (on IP basis) where we had our spammers/abusers and we took contact with them to solve the issue.
Since one month spamhaus.org decided to take extreme measurements towards edpnet. Blocking entire IP ranges for several times because of spammers in our network who we deactivated as soon as we were aware of it.

As an ISP we do not do any filtering of traffic and we do allow fixed IP users to have their own mail servers. It seems that this policy of unfiltered & open internet is no longer possible when such measurements are taken. It seems that we as edpnet will have to redefine our policy regarding traffic filtering to prevent such issues as we have now.

Until now we only reacted on complaints and we did not pro-actively scan all traffic for possible abuse.

We do believe that over the years we already took quite a lot of measurements to get the internet free from abuse and spam as we closed port 25 for all our dynamic IP users and we implemented a state of the art Cisco Iron Port mail system.
Nevertheless we still do not do any traffic filtering and we don’t want to.

Currently we have a huge issue and we do not get any response from spamhaus.org.
We do encourage all our customers to contact spamhaus.org.

You can help us by :

Ask your de-listing on : http://www.spamhaus.org/lookup/
Re-tweet our message using the button below:

Tweet to @spamhaus

Edpnet verontschuldigt zich voor dit ongemak.

Update (23/10/2012):

Het probleem lijkt opgelost, spamhaus heeft edpnet van de lijst verwijderd. 

22 October 2012

There are currently problems sending e-mails via our relay due to spam listing.

Edpnet is trying to solve this as fast as possible.

Update (23/10/2012):

Dear customers,

We have a huge mail issue since yesterday. For the second time spamhaus.org listed our non-spamming IP ranges. You are unable to send mails to people who use spamhaus.org as a filter to receive e-mail.

Up to one month ago we always had a good contact with spamhaus.org. They informed us (on IP basis) where we had our spammers/abusers and we took contact with them to solve the issue.
Since one month spamhaus.org decided to take extreme measurements towards edpnet. Blocking entire IP ranges for several times because of spammers in our network who we deactivated as soon as we were aware of it.

As an ISP we do not do any filtering of traffic and we do allow fixed IP users to have their own mail servers. It seems that this policy of unfiltered & open internet is no longer possible when such measurements are taken. It seems that we as edpnet will have to redefine our policy regarding traffic filtering to prevent such issues as we have now.

Until now we only reacted on complaints and we did not pro-actively scan all traffic for possible abuse.

We do believe that over the years we already took quite a lot of measurements to get the internet free from abuse and spam as we closed port 25 for all our dynamic IP users and we implemented a state of the art Cisco Iron Port mail system.
Nevertheless we still do not do any traffic filtering and we don’t want to.

Currently we have a huge issue and we do not get any response from spamhaus.org.
We do encourage all our customers to contact spamhaus.org.

You can help us by :

Ask your de-listing on : http://www.spamhaus.org/lookup/
Re-tweet our message using the button below:

Tweet to @spamhaus

Edpnet apologizes for any inconveniences.

Update (23/10/2012):

The problem should be solved, spamhaus removed us from their list. 

4 October 2012

There is currently an outage in East- and West-Flanders.
Internet and telephony is not working.
Edpnet is trying to solve this as fast as possible.

Update (11:30): There is a fiber cut in the area of Gent, splicers are already on it.
Update (15:10): The fiber cut seems more complicated as first expected due to underground drilling on the location itself.  Locating the fiber cut wasn’t easy and splicers now need to dig on a difficult spot.
Meanwhile we are searching for a temporary solution for our customers, while the splicers are solving the fiber cut.  We hope to have a temporary solution by 18h00.
Update (16:55): The connection has been restored. All customers should get online again.

Edpnet apologizes for any inconveniences.

26 september 2012

Er zijn momenteel problemen met het verzenden van e-mails via onze relay.

Edpnet tracht dit zo snel mogelijk op te lossen.

Update (15:30): Het verzenden van e-mails via relay.edpnet.be of relay.edpnet.nl werkt terug.

Edpnet verontschuldigt zich voor dit ongemak. 

26 September 2012

There are currently problems sending e-mails via our relay due to spam listing.

Edpnet is trying to solve this as fast as possible.

Update (15:30): Sending e-mails via relay.edpnet.be or relay.edpnet.nl is working again.

Edpnet apologizes for any inconveniences.