Issue / Solved /
Er zijn momenteel
problemen met het verzenden van e-mails via onze relay.
Edpnet tracht dit zo snel mogelijk op te lossen.
Update (15:30): Het verzenden van e-mails via of werkt terug.
Edpnet verontschuldigt zich voor dit ongemak.
Issue / Solved /
There are currently
problems sending e-mails via our relay due to spam listing.
Edpnet is trying to solve this as fast as possible.
Update (15:30): Sending e-mails via or is working again.
Edpnet apologizes for any inconveniences.
Closed / Solved /
We are facing a major telephony outage
We’re working really hard to get this solved ASAP.
More updates soon.
Update (20/09/2012): The problem has been resolved.
Edpnet apologizes for any inconveniences.
Issue / Solved /
While solving a known issue on one of our main routers, another problem occurred, Belgian internet traffic may be impacted. Our NOC team is solving this within 30 min.
Update (13:00): The problem has been solved. Everything is back online.
We apologize for the inconveniences.
Issue / Solved /
We are receiving complaints from some users that are unable to reach some websites (facebook, microsoft, hotmail, …).
Edpnet is trying to solve this as fast as possible.
Update (15:22): The problem has been found. Everything is back online.
Edpnet apologizes for any inconveniences.
Solved /
Currently there is an outage in
East- and West-Flanders since 13h25.
Internet and telephony is not working.
Edpnet is trying to solve this as fast as possible.
Update (14:45): The defect hardware in PoP Gent has been replaced. Everything is back online.
Edpnet apologizes for any inconveniences.
Solved /
We currently have an outage at
LCL Diegem.
Only colocation and IP-Transit customers are impacted.We are trying to resolve this issue as fast as possible.
Update: The outage is solved.
Edpnet apologizes for any inconveniences.
Solved /
Currently there is an outage in the following zones: 011/012/013/014/015/016/089.
Edpnet is trying to solve this as fast as possible.
It is possible that you cannot access the internet.
Please be patient and restart your modem from time to time.
Update (09:30): The outage is solved.
Edpnet apologizes for any inconveniences.