25 November 2011

Time frame: 00:00 – 07:00

Some works will be performed during the night.
Downtime: 30 minutes till maximum 2 hours.

Edpnet apologizes for any inconveniences.

18 November 2011

There is a network maintenance planned 18th of November 2011 in Brussels.

Maintenance window: 05:00am – 05:45am CET
Downtime: 2~3 minutes.
Maintenance related to interface reconfiguration.

Edpnet apologizes for any inconveniences.

19 October 2011

There is a network maintenance planned for the zones 09 and 05x.
Downtime: maximum 10 minutes.

Time frame: 07:00 – 07:30

Edpnet apologizes for any inconveniences.

4 October 2011

As you probably already know, edpnet is working hard to make her current network IPv6-ready. With the coming of IPv6, the old ATM-technology will be replaced by the new Ethernet-technology.

Therefore edpnet needs to perform necessary modifications on her network during the months of October and November.

The impact of this switch will be minimal and done in less than one minute.
No modifications have to take place on your side.

The switch will take place in the early morning between 04:00 and 08:00.

6 september 2011

Starttijd: 07:00
Eindtijd: 13:00

Er is momenteel een storing op ons telefonie netwerk.
Het is mogelijk dat u niet kan bellen en/of niet gebeld kan worden.

Update (13:00): De storing is verholpen.

Edpnet verontschuldigt zich voor dit ongemak.

5 september 2011

Tijdspanne: 06:00 – 06:30

Er is een onderhoud gepland op een van onze routers.
Tijdsduur: Maximaal 10 minuten.
Impact: Alle edpnet services.

Update (06:30): Het onderhoud is afgerond.

Edpnet verontschuldigt zich voor dit ongemak.

5 September 2011

Time frame: 06:00 – 06:30

There is a maintenance planned on one of the core routers of edpnet.
It will last for 10 minutes maximum.
During the maintenance all edpnet services will be impacted: your Internet connection may go down, VoIP calls will no longer be possible, Linux and Windows hosting and mail servers will be unavailable, etc.

Update (06:30): The maintenance has been completed.

Edpnet apologizes for any inconveniences.

31 August 2011

Some works will be performed during the night on the following LEXes:
03NIK0, 02NOR0, 02NOH0, 02FOR0, 02DIL0, 03NIK0, 02DIL0.
The impact will be minimal for it will be done in less than one minute.
You will not have to do any modifications but to reboot your modem.

Edpnet apologizes for any inconveniences.

30 August 2011

Some works will be performed during the night on the following LEXes:
02PED0, 02ROD0, 02TNA0, 02TUB0, 02TVU0, 03BEV0, 03HOO0, 03KAL0, 03KIE0, 03KON0, 03PUU0, 03WIL0, 03WUU0, 03ZUI0.
The impact will be minimal for it will be done in less than one minute.
You will not have to do any modifications but to reboot your modem.

Edpnet apologizes for any inconveniences.

29 August 2011

Start time: 10:00
End time: 14:00

There is a general issue on 02MAR.
Your Internet connection may be temporarily unavailable.
Our technical depatment is doing its best to solve the issue.

Update (14:05): The issue has been solved.

Edpnet apologizes for any inconveniences