Planned Maintenance Proximus – Charlerloi and Ghent

Dear customers,

Proximus has planned a maintenance in 2 of its data centers.
This maintenance may affect your data services. Please find the info below.

Description: Maintenance Charleroi
Start: 2015-09-02 02:00 AM*
End: 2015-09-02 04:00 AM*
Duration:15 minutes
Impacted services: All data services (internet, telephony, …)
Affected Areas: Area code: 010, 060, 064, 065, 067, 068, 069, 071

Description: Maintenance Ghent
Start: 2015-09-02 02:00 AM*
End: 2015-09-02 04:00 AM*
Duration:15 minutes
Impacted services: All data services (internet, telephony, …)
Affected Areas: Area code: 050, 051, 052, 053, 054, 055, 056, 057, 058, 059, 091

We apologize for the inconveniences.

The edpnet team

*All times are listed in CET, Central European Time

Info: Phishing report

Dear customers,Some customers have received the phishing e-mail below.
We would like to inform you that this message can be disregarded and is not coming from edpnet.

What is Phishing? Phishing emails are fraudulent messages made to look like they were sent by reputable companies in an attempt to gather your personal and financial details.


From: INFO SERVICE TELENET [mailto:<removed>]
Sent: woensdag 3 december 2014 16:30
Subject: *Chers (es) clients (es) de EDPNET,*
*Chers (es) clients (es) de EDPNET,*
Le service technique chargé de la maintenance des comptes de messagerie a détecté des accès illégaux à votre messagerie à travers différentes adresses IP. Au risque que votre compte ne soit suspendu dans les prochains jours, notre service de maintenance vous demande de confirmer vos accès de connexion. Au cas où les informations ne seront pas fournies, votre accès à la messagerie serait suspendu définitivement. Pour des raisons de sécurité, veuillez fournir l’intégralité des informations demandées.
Complétez les informations suivantes pour la confirmation à votre accès

* Nom d’utilisateur:………………………………….
* Mot de passe:………………………………………. 
* Adresse e-mail :…………………………………… 
* Mot de passe :………………………………………
* E-mail secondaire :………………………………… 
* Mot de passe :………………………………………. 
* Date de naissance:………………………………… 
* Pays ou territoire:…………………………………..
* Profession:………………………………………………
* Tel:…………………………………………………………
Dès la réception de ces informations, votre messagerie serait suivie contre les accès illégaux. Merci de votre collaboration. 

Webmail EDPNET*


*L’équipe EDPNET*

21 October – Short interruption zone Ghent & West-Flanders

Dear customers,

Due to recent power issues in Belgacom locations preventive maintenance works are being held. Due to a human error this preventive maintenance caused a short interruption in the power causing a interruption in traffic in region Ghent & West-Flanders. The situation is now optimal with dual powerfeeds and new UPS equipment. We apologize for the problems caused.

Start: 2014-10-21 09:50 AM
End:2014-10-21 09:54 AM
Impacted services: All edpnet services in the mentioned regions.

We apologize for the inconvenience

The edpnet team

14 October – interuption DSL network in region Brussels

Update:  There was a second short outage at 20:40 until 20:50.Dear customers,

due to a power outage we lost connectivity towards our Brussels DSL network.

Start: 14/10/2014 19:25

End:  14/10/2014 19:37
Impacted services: DSL lines in Brussels region

We appologize for the inconvenience

The edpnet team

20 January 2014

There is an outage on our network for the region of Antwerp & Limburg. All services of edpnet are down. We are currently investigating the origin of the problem. We will give you more feedback soon.

Update 12:25
Due to a power outage in our co-location for region of Antwerp, connections for Antwerp, Limburg and parts of Flemish Brabant en East-Flanders were disrupted. These connections came back online when the power was restored.

Our apologies for the inconvenience.

18 November 2013

There was a short outage on our network for the regions East- and West-Flanders, this afternoon at 13h35 until 13h50. Since last night the old line (or our former supplier) has an outage due to a broken network card. No problem for our customers, as our fiber backup took over and all internet traffic was redirected.

This afternoon the old supplier replaced the broken card. Our new Cisco backup equipment detected this hardware replacement and made a wrong reaction on the backup/reroute. Our NOC team is investigating with Cisco engineers why the new equipment made this ‘wrong’ detection.

Meanwhile to avoid this, our NOC team deactivated manually the old line/former supplier. In this case further interventions/changes on the former suppliers network can not intervene our backup/reroute.

Our apologies for the inconvenience.

16 October 2013

There is currently an outage in East- and West-Flanders impacting internet and telephony services. Edpnet is trying to solve this as fast as possible.

We’ll let you know as soon as any ETR is available. Sorry for the inconveniences caused.

Update 16/10/2013 12:54: Our local supplier is working on identifying the problem. We’ll keep you informed of any new information on this matter. Sorry again for the inconveniences.

Update 16/10/2013 13:05: The fault is detected: there’s a major fiber cut between Gent and Brussels. No ETR available yet, we’re cheching it with our supplier.

Update 16/10/2013 13:43: The fiber cut is finally located. We expect the splicers to arrive on location at 14:15. We’ll keep you up to date with the progress of the works and we’ll let you know the final ETR once it’s available. We apologize again for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.

Update 16/10/2013 14:48: The splicers are working on the issue now. Unfortunately, we still cannot provide you with a confirmed repair time. We’re monitoring the situation and will update you soon.

Update 16/10/2013 15:40: The problem seems to be quite complicated to solve, there’s almost a hundred of fiber pairs to be spliced. The ETR for the moment is around 18:00. We’ll let you know once it’s confirmed.

Update 16/10/2013 17:10: The splicing works are still ongoing. The ETR remains the same, we expect the issue to be solved at around 18:00. We’ll keep you posted.

Update 16/10/2013 18:24: The splicing works are still ongoing, got confirmation that first fibers are getting online, ours isn’t online yet. We’ll keep you posted.

Update 16/10/2013 19:42: Everything seems to be up and running again!

Thanks to everybody for your patience and understanding, we hope our next blog post will be about the new fibers being up!

Toegang tot bepaalde sites

Beste klant,

Momenteel is toegang tot bepaalde sites moeilijk tot niet mogelijk. Edpnet is zich hiervan bewust en we zijn traffiek aan het herrouteren. We trachten dit binnen het komende uur opgelost te krijgen.
Onze excuus voor het ongemak.

Some sites have bad reachability or not reachable at the moment.This is known problem at EDPnet , we are trying to reroute traffic. We suspect it will be done within a hour.
Our apologies for any inconvenience

Problem solved.

19 February 2013

There is a maintenance scheduled in East and West Flanders that will impact all the edpnet services (DSL, VoIP, …).

Maintenance window: 19/02 00h00 – 19/02 00h30.

Edpnet apologizes for any inconveniences.

Reminder: This is just to remind you that the maintenance will be accomplished tonight.

We advise you restarting your modem/router after the maintenance has been completed.

Update: The maintenance was successfully done within the announced time window.

24 January 2013

There is a maintenance scheduled impacting all of Belgium.
During the maintenance all edpnet services (DSL, VoIP, …) will be impacted.

Maintenance window: 02:00 – 06:00
Downtime: ~30 minutes We advice you to restart your modem/router after the maintenance has been completed. Edpnet apologizes for any inconveniences.

Update 24/01/2013
The first stage of this maintenance was successfully done. All the edpnet services are up. There will be the second maintenance to plan soon. As soon as we know an exact date we will keep you posted.