15 June 2011
Edpnet cannot be reached by phone on the general contact number due to an outage.
Edpnet apologizes for any inconveniences.
Edpnet cannot be reached by phone on the general contact number due to an outage.
Edpnet apologizes for any inconveniences.
Uitbreiding aanbod Digi TV – Update
Gisteren heeft Edpnet u bericht over de nachtelijke werken om extra kanalen te activeren.
Deze zijn sinds vandaag 01 juni gratis beschikbaar. Deze werken zijn vlot verlopen.
Om deze kanalen te kunnen bekijken moet u deze instellen op uw setop-box of televisie.
De makkelijkste manier om de nieuwe zenders te ontvangen met uw settopbox gaat als volgt :
• Reset de settopbox naar fabrieksinstellingen
• Herstart
• De settopbox zoekt nu automatisch de nieuwe zenders
Voor hulp kan u de handleiding van uw settopbox of televisie raadplegen voor meer info.
Of u kan natuurlijk contact opnemen met de Edpnet Helpdesk op het nummer 020 712 94 00.
Tijdspanne: 01:00 – 06:00
Per 1 juni zal het aanbod van uw Digi TV abonnement kostenloos uitgebreid worden met nieuwe zenders:
BBC1 – BBC2 – Meiden van Holland (http://www.edpnet.nl/nl_nl/thuis/digitale-televisie/Tv-zender-overzicht )
Tijdens deze werkzaamheden kan het mogelijk zijn dat bepaalde kanalen niet bereikbaar zijn.
Edpnet verontschuldigt zich voor dit ongemak.
Time frame: 12:00 – 13:00
This week edpnet plans a maintenance on the server your website is active on.
The maintenance will improve the security.
During the maintenance you website will be temporary not available.
Please do not hesitate to contact us on +32 3 265 67 00 in case of any questions.
Edpnet apologizes for any inconveniences.
Time frame: 12:00 – 13:00
This week edpnet plans a maintenance on the server your website is active on.
The maintenance will improve the security.
During the maintenance you website will be temporary not available.
Please do not hesitate to contact us on +32 3 265 67 00 in case of any questions.
Edpnet apologizes for any inconveniences.
Time frame: 12:00 – 13:00
This week edpnet plans a maintenance on the server your website is active on.
This maintenance will improve the security.
During the maintenance you website will be temporary not available.
Please do not hesitate to contact us on +32 3 265 67 00 in case of any questions.
Edpnet apologizes for any inconveniences.
Time frame: 23:35 – 14:05
Belgacom is currently facing an outage on MSR03BKC.
This problem impact those phone areas: 011 – 012 – 089 – 013 – 014 – 015 – 016 – 03
Problem will be solved as soon as possible.
Update (14:10): The outage has been resolved.
Edpnet apologizes for any possible inconveniences.
Time frame: 08:00 – 10:00
On the 19th of May there will be a maintenance performed on 02UKK.
Due to this all customers in that area will experience a short outage between 08:00 and 10:00.
If you have disconnections, we would like to ask you to reboot your modem from time to time.
Edpnet apologizes for any inconveniences.
Due to maintenance the newsgroup service can be temporary unavailable today.
Edpnet apologizes for any inconveniences.
Time frame: 23:00 – 00:00
During the maintenance on the 4th of May it was decided that a second maintenance was necessary.
In order to improve the resiliency, performance and stability of our e-mail services, the second maintenance is planned on:
Incoming e-mail services will not be available for about 1 hour, no e-mails will be lost.
E-mail services will remain secured during the maintenance.
Customers with mailservers will not be impacted.
Edpnet apologizes for any inconveniences.